What Percentage of Teens Use Social Media? (2024)

by Leon Chaddock  - January 11, 2024

Teen use on Social Media in 2024 is exploding with Youtube and Tiktok the chief driving forces. In 2024, a staggering number of teens actively use social media platforms on a daily basis.

With that in mind here is a breakdown of what we will cover:

Teen Social Media Usage Stats 2024 (Top picks)

  • Over 93% of Teens use Social Media 
  • There are approximately 40 million adolescents in the USA , hence approximately 37 million teen social media users in the USA.
  • Around 70% of teens and young adults in the US have a social media addiction.
  • The average person spends 1 hour and 40 minutes per day on social media
  • 20% of Teens are on Youtube or Tiktok pretty much continuously
  • 70% of Teens use Youtube Daily
  • 58% of Teens use TikTok daily

What Percentage of teens use Social Media?

Surveys suggest that over 93% of teens use social media , which is approximately 37 million teenagers in the USA alone.

YouTube continues to dominate, with roughly nine-in-ten teens stating that they use the platform, making it the most widely used in our survey. TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram remain popular, with majorities of teens aged 13 to 17 reporting use (63%, 60%, and 59% respectively). Among older teens aged 15 to 17, these shares increase to about seven-in-ten.

Teens are now less likely to use Facebook and Twitter (recently renamed X) compared to a decade ago. Facebook, once the dominant social media platform among American youth, has seen its usage drop from 71% in 2014-2015 to 33% today. Twitter, now known as X since July 2023, has also experienced a decline in its teen user base over the past decade, though not as steep as Facebook’s.

Despite these shifts, teens’ site and app usage has remained relatively stable over the past year. The percentage of teens using platforms like TikTok has not significantly changed since the last survey in spring 2022

Source : Pew Research and others



Percentage teen users

Percent change since 2022









































How many teens have Social Media

In the USA 93% of teens use social media. There are approximately 40 million adolescents in the USA , hence approximately 37 million teen social media users in the USA.

There are approximately 37 million teen social media users in the USA.

Source: Pew Research and Office of population affairs

How many teens are addicted to Social Media?

Approximately 70% of teenagers and young adults in the United States grapple with a social media addiction. On average, individuals devote 1 hour and 40 minutes daily to their social media activities. Notably, more than half of Americans aged 30-49 find themselves ensnared by social media addiction. Furthermore, the statistics reveal that over 60% of men and over 55% of women are entangled in the grip of social media addiction.

Source: Cross river

What are the problems with Teen Social Media Use?

Teenagers’ engagement with social media has become pervasive, with various concerns arising regarding its impact on their well-being and development. Here are key issues associated with teen social media use:

  1. Cyberbullying:

    • Social media platforms can serve as breeding grounds for cyberbullying, exposing teens to harassment and emotional distress.
    • Anonymity and the ease of online communication contribute to a higher risk of bullying incidents.
  2. Mental Health Impact:

    • Excessive social media use has been linked to mental health issues, including anxiety and depression among teens.
    • Constant exposure to curated images and unrealistic standards can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.
  3. Addiction and Screen Time:

    • Teens are susceptible to developing addictive behaviors, spending significant amounts of time on social media to the detriment of other activities.
    • Excessive screen time has been associated with disrupted sleep patterns, affecting both physical and mental health.
  4. Privacy Concerns:

    • Teens may not fully comprehend the privacy implications of sharing personal information on social media platforms.
    • The potential for exploitation or data breaches poses serious risks to their privacy.
  5. Impact on Academic Performance:

    • Social media distractions contribute to reduced focus on academic responsibilities, potentially affecting school performance.
    • The constant need for validation through likes and comments may divert attention from essential academic tasks.
  6. Comparison and Self-Esteem:

    • Teens often compare their lives to the seemingly perfect lives portrayed on social media, leading to feelings of inadequacy.
    • Unrealistic beauty standards and lifestyle portrayals contribute to distorted perceptions of self-worth.
  7. Online Predators and Safety:

    • The open nature of social media platforms exposes teens to potential risks from online predators.
    • Lack of awareness and caution may make them vulnerable to unsafe interactions.

It is crucial for parents, educators, and policymakers to address these issues collaboratively, implementing strategies to promote responsible social media use and safeguard the well-being of teenagers in the digital age.

Advice for healthy Social Media use for Teens and Kids

As a parent, fostering safe social media use for teens involves open communication, guidance, and setting clear boundaries. Here are key pieces of advice:

  1. Open Dialogue:

    • Establish a foundation of trust by encouraging open conversations about social media. Be genuinely interested in your teen’s online experiences, friends, and interests.
    • Create an environment where they feel comfortable discussing any concerns or encounters they may have had on social media platforms.
  2. Educate on Privacy:

    • Teach your teen about the importance of privacy settings and the potential consequences of sharing personal information online.
    • Emphasize the need to be cautious about accepting friend requests or engaging with strangers on social media.
  3. Set Time Limits:

    • Encourage a healthy balance between online and offline activities by setting reasonable time limits for social media use.
    • Establish technology-free zones or times, such as during meals or before bedtime, to promote quality face-to-face interactions and better sleep habits.
  4. Promote Positive Interactions:

    • Encourage your teen to engage in positive and respectful online interactions. Discuss the impact of cyberbullying and stress the importance of treating others online as they would in person.
  5. Model Healthy Behavior:

    • Demonstrate responsible social media use by modeling appropriate online behavior yourself.
    • Share your own experiences and challenges, reinforcing the idea that social media is a tool for connection rather than validation.
  6. Monitor Without Intrusion:

    • Regularly check in on your teen’s online activities without invading their privacy. Familiarize yourself with the platforms they use and discuss the content they encounter.
    • Utilize parental control tools when necessary, striking a balance between supervision and trust.

By maintaining an ongoing conversation, staying informed about the platforms your teen uses, and offering guidance without judgment, you can empower them to navigate the digital landscape responsibly and safely.


Trends in Teen Social Media Consumption

The landscape of teen social media consumption is constantly evolving, driven by emerging platforms and shifting user preferences. Today’s teenagers are at the forefront of adopting new social media platforms that cater to their unique interests and allow them to express themselves in innovative ways. At the same time, once-dominant networks are experiencing a decline in popularity among this demographic. Let’s explore the current trends in teen social media consumption and shed light on the emerging platforms that are capturing their attention.

Rapid Adoption of Emerging Platforms

Teenagers are known for being early adopters of new technologies, and social media platforms are no exception. They quickly embrace emerging platforms that offer fresh features and experiences. One such platform that has gained immense popularity among teens is TikTok, a short video-sharing app where users can showcase their creativity and connect with peers through viral challenges and trends. TikTok has become a global phenomenon, with millions of teenagers using the platform to share and consume entertaining content.

Declining Use of Once-Dominant Networks

While some social media networks have enjoyed years of dominance among teens, their popularity is dwindling. Traditional platforms like Facebook, once considered essential for social interaction, are losing their appeal among young users. Teenagers are seeking more dynamic and visually engaging platforms, leading to the decline in the use of once-dominant networks. Platforms like Instagram, which offer a more visually focused and interactive experience, have gained traction and become favorite destinations for teenage users.

In conclusion, trends in teen social media consumption reveal a dynamic landscape, characterized by the rapid adoption of emerging platforms and the decline of once-dominant networks. Understanding these trends is vital for marketers, allowing them to connect with teenagers on the platforms where they spend most of their time. Additionally, it is crucial for educators and parents to stay informed about these trends, ensuring they can guide teenagers in making responsible and healthy choices in their social media usage.

The Rise of Video Content Among Teens

In recent years, there has been a significant rise in the consumption and creation of video content among teens. Video-sharing platforms like TikTok and YouTube have become the go-to platforms for teens to express themselves and consume engaging content.

With the advent of these platforms, teens now have the opportunity to showcase their creativity, talents, and unique perspectives through videos. Whether it’s dance challenges, comedy skits, or educational content, videos have become a preferred medium of expression for today’s teenagers.

The popularity of video content among teens can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, videos allow for more dynamic and interactive storytelling, capturing the attention of young audiences who are accustomed to fast-paced digital content. Video content offers a visual and auditory experience that appeals to their senses and keeps them engaged.

Secondly, videos provide a platform for self-expression and creativity. Teens can experiment with different formats, styles, and editing techniques to showcase their unique personality and interests. This freedom of expression fosters a sense of individuality and community among teenagers, as they connect with like-minded individuals and gain recognition for their creativity.

Another contributing factor to the popularity of video content among teenagers is the rise of influencer culture. Influencers on platforms like TikTok and YouTube have amassed large followings and have a significant impact on the preferences and trends among teens. These influencers create video content that resonates with their audience, influencing their choices, and shaping their video consumption habits.

The rise of video content among teens has not only transformed the way they consume media but has also impacted their social media usage patterns. Teens are spending more time watching and creating videos, with platforms like TikTok becoming an integral part of their daily routine.

As video content continues to dominate social media, it presents both opportunities and challenges for teenagers. On one hand, it allows for creative expression, community-building, and exposure to diverse content. On the other hand, it can also lead to concerns like online privacy, cyberbullying, and excessive screen time.

Understanding the rise of video content among teens is essential for parents, educators, and marketers. It provides valuable insights into the changing media landscape and the evolving preferences of today’s youth. By harnessing the power of video content in a responsible and engaging way, we can create a positive and meaningful online experience for teenagers.

Teen Access to Digital Devices and the Internet

Access to digital devices and the internet plays a crucial role in enabling teenagers to engage in social media and online activities. In today’s digital age, it is essential to explore the availability and accessibility of technology for teens to understand their social media consumption habits.

When it comes to digital devices, smartphones, laptops, and gaming consoles are the most common tools used by teenagers. These devices provide them with the means to connect with others, consume media, and participate in online communities.

Furthermore, internet access is a key component of teen technology usage. It allows them to browse social media platforms, access educational resources, and communicate with peers. However, it is important to note that internet accessibility may vary based on factors such as household income and geographical location. Some teens may have limited access to a stable internet connection, which can impact their ability to engage fully in online activities.

Understanding teen access to digital devices and the internet is essential for parents, educators, and policymakers. By recognizing the availability and accessibility of technology, we can address any disparities and ensure that all teenagers have equal opportunities to participate in the digital world.

Digital DevicePercentage of Teens Who Own
Gaming Console60%

Comparing Social Media Platforms: Where Teens Spend Their Time

Teens today have numerous social media platforms at their disposal, each offering unique features and content. It’s essential to understand where teens spend their time in the digital world and the factors that influence their platform preferences. This section will provide a comparison of popular social media platforms and present usage statistics specific to teenagers. Additionally, it will explore the demographic divide in teen social media usage, examining preferences based on age, gender, and ethnicity.

The Demographic Divide: Age, Gender, and Ethnicity Preferences in Social Media Usage

Social media preferences among teens can vary based on age, gender, and ethnicity. Understanding these demographic nuances is crucial for tailoring marketing strategies and effectively reaching the desired target audience. Here are some key insights into teen social media preferences:

  • Age: Younger teens (13-15 years old) tend to gravitate towards platforms like TikTok and Snapchat, while older teens (16-18 years old) are more likely to use Instagram and Twitter.
  • Gender: Research shows that girls often prefer visually-oriented platforms like Instagram, while boys are more drawn to YouTube and Twitter.
  • Ethnicity: Different ethnic groups may have distinct social media usage patterns. For example, Hispanic teens have higher engagement rates on platforms like TikTok and Snapchat, while African American teens lean towards Instagram and Twitter.

By understanding these demographic preferences, marketers can fine-tune their strategies to effectively engage with specific segments of the teen population.


In conclusion, the statistics and trends presented in this article highlight the widespread and constantly evolving nature of teen social media usage. These insights shed light on the prevalence of social media among teens in 2024 and provide valuable information about their consumption habits.

Understanding these trends and their implications is crucial for parents, educators, and marketers who need to navigate the complex world of teen social media usage. By staying informed about the platforms teens prefer and the content they engage with, you can ensure that young people have a safe and positive digital experience.

Key takeaways from the teen social media statistics include the rapid adoption of emerging platforms and the declining use of once-dominant networks. TikTok and YouTube, in particular, have become popular among teens due to the rise of video content. Additionally, it is essential to recognize the impact of social media on teens, both the positive aspects such as enhanced connectivity and self-expression, and the negative effects, including cyberbullying and negative body image.


What percentage of teens use social media?

According to recent statistics, a significant percentage of teens (93%) are actively using social media platforms on a daily basis in 2024. 

What are the trends in teen social media consumption?

Teen social media consumption is characterized by the rapid adoption of emerging platforms that cater to their evolving interests and preferences. At the same time, there has been a decline in the use of once-dominant networks among this demographic.

Why is video content popular among teens?

Video content has gained popularity among teens due to its engaging nature and the ability to express themselves creatively. Platforms like TikTok and YouTube have become go-to platforms for teens to consume and create videos.

How many teens use social media?

There is a significant number of teens actively using social media platforms based on population date provided by the office of population affairs and cross referenced with Pew Research we estimate it to be 37 million in the USA alone.

What is the access to digital devices and the internet among teens?

Teens have widespread access to digital devices such as smartphones, laptops, and gaming consoles, which enables them to engage with social media and other online activities. However, access may vary based on factors like household income and geographical location.

Where do teens spend most of their time on social media?

Teens spend their time on a variety of social media platforms, with preferences based on their age, gender, and ethnicity. Popular platforms vary, but commonly used platforms include Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and YouTube.

What are the effects of social media on teens?

Social media has both positive and negative effects on teens. It enhances connectivity, creativity, and self-expression, but it also presents challenges like cyberbullying, addiction, and negative body image.


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