The Sentiment unified inbox was built from the ground up to support real-time communication on public and private social channels. KPI tracking and analytics have been built to allow you to deploy and measure social media customer care, alongside your more traditional channels to allow apple to apples comparison.

Unified Inbox for All Social Channels

You can handle all of your customer interactions through one unified inbox. All Social Media both private messaging and public real-time and handled in one unique interface. The unified inbox has been designed for fast and reactive customer care.  All channels become a messaging first experience, better for your customers and better for your team.

Automatic classification

The Sentiment automation engine can carry out a whole series of defined events specific to your organisation. For instance spam is automatically classified and removed from queues, issues can be tagged by type with smart labels based on keywords, location, channel. Even remove profanities automatically from your public social accounts and many many more automations making your team more efficient and effictive, and your customers and prospects serviced far faster.  

Canned responses

Save time and add consistency to customer engagement with canned responses and leverage auto response to handle similar enquiries, or acknowledge reciept.

Approvals loop

Rapidly on board and coach staff using approvals loops, so responses must be reviewed by senior team mates before going out and causing a reputational disaster on Social Media!

Team Performance

SLA and KPI tracking let you continually optimize your operations over time. Sentiment includes work force reporting letting you plan shifts, track team mate performance and report on productivity. 

Real-time customer surveying 

Get real-time feedback from your customers via inbuilt CSAT surveys on X and FB, and improve client retention and repeat orders.

Why Use Social Media Channels for Customer Service?


  1. Real-Time Interaction:

    • Social media allows for instant, real-time communication between customers and businesses. Unlike traditional channels, such as email or phone calls, social media responses are immediate, addressing customer concerns promptly.
  2. Accessibility 24/7:

    • Social media operates around the clock, providing customers with accessibility at any time. This flexibility accommodates diverse time zones and schedules, ensuring that support is available whenever customers need it.
  3. Public Issue Resolution:

    • Social media platforms offer a public forum for addressing customer issues. Resolving problems publicly demonstrates transparency and accountability, building trust among customers who witness the company’s commitment to resolving concerns.
  4. Interactive and Engaging:

    • Social media facilitates two-way communication, allowing customers to engage in interactive conversations with businesses. This dynamic interaction fosters a sense of connection and personalization, enhancing the overall customer experience.
  5. Multimedia Capabilities:

    • Businesses can use multimedia elements like images and videos on social media to visually address customer concerns. This multimedia approach makes interactions more engaging and comprehensive compared to traditional text-based channels.
  6. Scalability:

    • Social media enables businesses to address concerns for a large audience simultaneously. A single response or resolution can be seen by a broad audience, making it a scalable solution for handling customer inquiries and issues efficiently.
  7. Global Reach:

    • Social media provides a platform for global interaction. Businesses can engage with customers worldwide, transcending geographical boundaries. This global reach is particularly beneficial for companies with an international customer base.
  8. Community Building:

    • Social media allows businesses to build and nurture online communities. Creating a community fosters a sense of belonging among customers, who can share experiences, ask questions, and offer support to each other, reducing the workload on customer service teams.
  9. Data-Driven Insights:

    • Social media platforms offer robust analytics tools. Companies can analyze customer interactions, feedback, and sentiments to gain valuable insights. This data-driven approach helps in refining customer service strategies and meeting evolving customer expectations.
  10. Proactive Customer Service:

    • Social media enables businesses to be proactive in addressing potential issues. Companies can monitor social media mentions, identify trends, and address concerns before they escalate. This proactive approach demonstrates a commitment to customer satisfaction and helps in building a positive brand image.

In summary, social media’s real-time responsiveness, accessibility, public interaction, engagement, multimedia capabilities, scalability, global reach, community-building potential, data-driven insights, and support for proactive customer service make it a superior channel compared to traditional customer service methods. Businesses that leverage these advantages can enhance their customer service and build stronger relationships with their audience.


Contact us today for a demo or trial to see how easy it is to deploy Social Media channels in your business.

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