NLU and GEN AI Chatbots

Deploy chatbots using native integrations to Dialogflow, or use our low code visual designer.  Don't want to build your own? We can do this for you then deploy to any messaging channel with one click.

Chatbots have found a significant role on social media platforms and messaging channels. Their versatile applications extend beyond mere automation, providing businesses with valuable advantages in terms of efficiency, customer satisfaction, and streamlined processes. Additionally, platforms like Sentiment with a low code bot builder offer distinct advantages, allowing for the creation of defined processes without the potential issues associated with hallucination and inconsistent response in GEN AI-driven solutions.

1. Instant Customer Support:

Chatbots on social media and messaging channels enable businesses to provide instant customer support. Users can get quick responses to their queries, enhancing their overall experience and satisfaction.

2. 24/7 Availability:

Unlike human agents who are bound by working hours, chatbots operate 24/7. This ensures that customers can receive assistance at any time, catering to a global audience across different time zones.

3. Scalability:

Chatbots excel at handling a large volume of inquiries simultaneously. They can scale effortlessly to manage an increasing number of customer interactions without compromising on response time or quality.

4. Cost-Effective:

Implementing chatbots is a cost-effective solution compared to maintaining a large customer support team. They can handle routine queries, allowing human agents to focus on more complex tasks that require a personal touch.

5. Personalized Interactions:

Chatbots can be programmed to deliver personalized interactions based on user data and preferences. This adds a layer of customization to the customer experience, making interactions more engaging and relevant.

6. Data Collection and Analysis:

Chatbots can collect valuable data during interactions, providing businesses with insights into customer behavior, preferences, and frequently asked questions. This data-driven approach aids in refining marketing strategies and improving overall customer service.

7. Streamlined Processes with Low Code Bot Builder:

The low code bot builder in platforms like Sentiment allows businesses to create and modify chatbots with ease. This streamlined process enables quick implementation and adaptation to changing business needs without extensive coding requirements.

8. Avoidance of Hallucination Issues:

Traditional AI-driven solutions may suffer from hallucination issues, where the AI generates inaccurate or nonsensical responses. The low code bot builder in Sentiment focuses on building defined processes, minimizing the risk of hallucination and ensuring reliable interactions.

9. Enhanced Engagement on Social Media:

Chatbots contribute to increased engagement on social media platforms by initiating conversations, responding to comments, and delivering personalized content. This engagement helps in building a loyal customer base.

10. Seamless Integration:

Chatbots seamlessly integrate with existing systems and platforms. They can be integrated into social media accounts, messaging apps, and even websites, providing a unified and consistent customer experience across channels.

11. Language Support:

Chatbots can be programmed to support multiple languages, catering to a diverse audience. This is particularly advantageous for businesses with a global presence, allowing them to communicate effectively with customers in their preferred language.

12. Reduction of Response Time:

Chatbots offer near-instant responses, significantly reducing the average response time in customer interactions. This quick turnaround time contributes to a positive customer experience.

13. Proactive Customer Engagement:

Chatbots can proactively engage customers with relevant information, promotions, or updates. This proactive approach keeps customers informed and engaged without them having to initiate the conversation.

14. Consistency in Responses:

With predefined processes, chatbots ensure consistency in responses. This consistency is crucial for maintaining a standardized brand voice and delivering a cohesive customer experience.

15. Efficient Task Automation:

Beyond customer support, chatbots can automate various tasks, such as appointment scheduling, order tracking, and information retrieval. This efficiency frees up human resources for more complex and nuanced tasks.

In conclusion, the integration of chatbots into social media and messaging channels offers a myriad of advantages for businesses. The low code bot builder in platforms like Sentiment addresses the potential issues associated with hallucination in AI-driven solutions, providing a reliable and efficient way to build defined processes. From enhancing customer support to automating tasks and providing personalized interactions, chatbots have become indispensable tools for businesses looking to stay ahead in the digital era.

Deploy Chat Bots for Messaging Channels

Let Sentiment Chat Bots, automate the tedious, and give your customers the fastest service. If the bot can’t help auto route to your skilled humans in our unifed inbox 🙂

Deploy Chat Bots for Messaging Channels


Deploy chat bots with our visual builder

Easily build and test

Using our visual process designer for chat bots, you can quickly and easily design complex bot flows, add new flows, test and deploy

Deploy chat bots with our visual builder

Deploy with one click

Once tested you can deploy your chat bots to one channel, or multiple with one click of a button. Analytics show the number of people using your bots and the number of messages sent helping you refine designs and increase performance over time

Deploy chat bots with our visual builder

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