How to use social media for crisis management

by Leon Chaddock  - March 2, 2018

Social media plays a significant role in shaping public perception, and influencing brand reputation. By leveraging the power of social media, you can effectively communicate, engage, and resolve issues during times of crisis. This article will provide you with invaluable insights and strategies to protect your brand, regain stakeholder trust, and navigate through crises successfully.

During a crisis, social media can serve as a powerful tool for crisis communications. It acts as a direct channel to connect with your audience. It allows for real-time updates, immediate response, and a platform to address concerns promptly. By using social media effectively, you can control the narrative, clarify misinformation, and showcase your commitment to transparency and accountability.

In this guide, we will explore various aspects of crisis management using social media. We will discuss the role of social media in crisis communications. We will also cover the nature and impact of social media crises, and how to distinguish between negative feedback and real crises. Further we will delve into pre-crisis planning, proactive monitoring, crisis communication with employees, the importance of pausing scheduled posts, and more. 

Through practical tips, examples, and case studies, we will equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate through crises effectively using social media. So let’s dive in and learn how to harness the power of social media for crisis management.

Understanding Social Media’s Role in Crisis Management

In this section, we will explore the role of social media in crisis management. Social media platforms have become essential channels for organizations to communicate and engage with their stakeholders during times of crisis. Understanding how social media can influence the nature and impact of crises is crucial for effective crisis management strategies.

The Nature and Impact of Social Media Crises

Social media crises have the potential to rapidly spread and significantly impact an organization’s reputation. With the power of social media, negative information can reach a wide audience within seconds, leading to public scrutiny, brand damage, and loss of trust. The viral nature of social media makes crises more visible and fast-paced, requiring organizations to act promptly and strategically to mitigate the damage.

Social media crises can arise from various issues, such as customer complaints, product recalls, controversial statements, or unethical behavior. The speed and scale at which these crises unfold on social media platforms can amplify their impact, making them difficult to control and manage.

Distinguishing Between Negative Feedback and Real Crises

It is vital to distinguish between negative feedback and real crises on social media. Not all negative mentions or comments are indicative of a crisis situation. Negative feedback is a common occurrence on social media, and addressing it promptly and professionally is an essential part of maintaining a positive online reputation.

Real crises, on the other hand, require immediate attention and a comprehensive crisis management response. These crises involve significant threats to an organization’s reputation, financial stability, or public safety. Differentiating between negative feedback and real crises helps organizations prioritize their actions and allocate resources effectively.

Establishing robust social media monitoring and listening processes can help organizations discern between negative feedback and real crises. By actively monitoring social media platforms, organizations can identify patterns, assess the severity of the situation, and take appropriate actions to address real crises.

In the next section, we will discuss pre-crisis planning strategies that organizations can implement to secure their brand on social media networks and effectively prepare for potential crises.

Pre-Crisis Planning: Securing Your Brand on Social Networks

In order to effectively utilize social media for crisis management, it is essential to engage in pre-crisis planning to safeguard your brand’s presence on social networks. This proactive approach will help establish a strong foundation for handling potential crises and protecting your brand reputation.

Implementing Strong Password Policies and Two-Factor Authentication

One of the key aspects of pre-crisis planning is ensuring the security of your brand accounts on social networks. Implementing strong password policies and two-factor authentication is crucial in safeguarding against unauthorized access and potential breaches.

Strong password policies involve creating unique, complex passwords that are regularly updated. Encourage employees to avoid using common phrases or easily guessable information. Additionally, consider implementing a password manager tool to securely store and manage login credentials.

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification, such as a unique code sent to a mobile device. This helps prevent unauthorized access even if a password is compromised.

Establishing a Crisis Management Team

Another important aspect of pre-crisis planning is the establishment of a crisis management team. This team should consist of individuals with diverse skills and expertise who can effectively handle crisis situations on social media.

The crisis management team should be responsible for monitoring social media platforms, detecting potential crises, and coordinating the organization’s response. They should be trained in crisis management best practices and have a clear understanding of the organization’s values and communication guidelines.

By having a dedicated crisis management team in place, you can ensure a prompt and coordinated response to crisis situations, mitigating potential damage to your brand’s reputation.

Designing a Crisis Communication Plan

In addition to strong security measures and a capable crisis management team, a well-designed crisis communication plan is vital for effectively utilizing social media during a crisis.

The crisis communication plan should outline clear strategies and protocols for responding to and managing crises on social media. It should include guidelines for communicating with stakeholders, as well as instructions for addressing different types of crises.

Key elements to consider when designing a crisis communication plan include establishing a chain of command, setting response timeframes, and maintaining a consistent tone and message across all social media platforms.

Regularly review and update the crisis communication plan to ensure its effectiveness and relevance in rapidly evolving situations.

Proactive Monitoring: The Key to Early Crisis Detection

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, proactive monitoring is crucial for early crisis detection on social media. By actively monitoring brand mentions and conversations, organizations can identify potential crises in real-time and take immediate action to mitigate their impact. Proactive monitoring allows you to stay one step ahead, giving you the opportunity to respond quickly and effectively before a crisis escalates.

proactive monitoring

There are various tools and techniques available for proactive monitoring on social media. These tools can help you track brand mentions, monitor keywords and hashtags, analyze sentiment, and identify emerging trends. By utilizing these tools, you can gain valuable insights into public perception, detect early warning signs, and uncover potential issues before they become full-blown crises.

One effective technique for proactive monitoring is setting up Google Alerts. By creating alerts for your brand name, key executives, and relevant industry terms, you can receive notifications whenever there is new content published online that matches your criteria. This allows you to stay informed about conversations and mentions related to your brand, enabling you to respond promptly.

Another valuable strategy is social listening, which involves monitoring social media platforms for mentions of your brand, industry, or key topics of interest. Social listening tools enable you to track conversations, analyze sentiment, and identify any shifts in public opinion. By listening to what people are saying about your brand, you can gain valuable insights and address potential crises before they spiral out of control.

It is important to establish a proactive monitoring routine and dedicate resources to this task. By regularly monitoring social media platforms, you can spot potential crises early on, allowing you to assess the situation, gather necessary information, and formulate an effective response. This proactive approach to crisis management demonstrates your commitment to addressing issues promptly and transparently, building trust with your audience.

Remember, proactive monitoring is not just about detecting crises, but also about identifying opportunities for engagement and brand growth. By actively participating in relevant conversations, responding to customer feedback, and addressing concerns, you can strengthen your brand’s reputation and foster positive relationships with your audience.

Deciphering the Crisis: Identifying the Issue and Monitoring Your Reputation Score

In the midst of a social media crisis, it’s crucial to decipher the core issue at hand and closely monitor your brand’s reputation score. By effectively identifying the problem and keeping a real-time pulse on public sentiment, you can respond promptly and strategically. Social media monitoring tools play a vital role in this process, providing you with valuable insights and updates to guide your crisis management efforts.

Using Social Media Monitoring Tools for Real-Time Updates

Social media monitoring tools are invaluable resources that allow you to track mentions of your brand, monitor sentiment, and gain a comprehensive understanding of how your crisis is unfolding. These tools provide real-time updates on social media conversations and help you stay ahead of the curve. By leveraging these tools, you can swiftly detect emerging issues, identify potential threats to your reputation, and respond proactively to mitigate the impact of the crisis.

With social media monitoring tools, you can monitor conversations across multiple platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and more. These tools enable you to filter through the noise and focus on relevant mentions related to your crisis. By using advanced search filters and keyword tracking, you can uncover crucial information that will aid in deciphering the crisis and making informed decisions.

Additionally, social media monitoring tools provide valuable analytics and metrics that help you gauge the effectiveness of your crisis response. You can track the reach and engagement of your crisis-related content, as well as monitor sentiment trends over time. These insights allow you to refine your crisis communication strategy and make data-driven decisions to protect your brand’s reputation.

Analyzing the Rise of Negative Mentions and Sentiment

When confronted with a social media crisis, it’s essential to analyze the rise of negative mentions and sentiment surrounding your brand. Social media monitoring tools enable you to track and quantify these negative mentions, providing you with a comprehensive overview of the crisis’s impact on public perception.

By analyzing negative mentions and sentiment, you can gain valuable insights into the root causes of the crisis and take appropriate action to address them. Understanding the sentiment of the conversations surrounding your brand allows you to tailor your messaging and communication to effectively alleviate concerns and regain trust. Monitoring sentiment trends also provides you with indicators of whether your response strategies are resonating positively with your target audience.

Key Features of Social Media Monitoring Tools

Real-time monitoringProvides instant updates on brand mentions, ensuring you stay informed of emerging crises and sentiment shifts.
Sentiment analysisAnalyzes the sentiment of brand mentions, helping you understand public perception and make data-driven decisions.
Keyword trackingAllows you to track specific keywords related to your crisis, focusing your attention on relevant conversations and insights.
Competitor analysisAssesses how your competitors are handling similar crises, providing valuable benchmarking data for your crisis response.
Analytics and reportingDelivers comprehensive analytics and reporting on brand performance, reach, and engagement during the crisis.

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate: Guiding Your Employees Through a Crisis

In times of crisis, effective communication with employees is paramount. Guiding your employees through a crisis ensures a coordinated and unified response that reflects transparency and empathy. By providing clear guidelines and instructions, keeping employees informed about the crisis, and empowering them to effectively communicate with stakeholders, organizations can navigate challenging situations more smoothly.

During a crisis, it is crucial to establish open lines of communication with your employees. Regularly update them on the evolving situation, the actions being taken, and the expected impact on the organization. This information helps employees understand the gravity of the situation and provides them with the knowledge and context needed to represent the organization accurately.

Furthermore, encourage two-way communication by creating channels for employees to ask questions, express concerns, and provide feedback. Actively listen to their input and respond promptly and empathetically. This not only helps address their concerns but also fosters a sense of trust and shows that their voices are valued.

Empower your employees to be ambassadors of your brand during a crisis. Provide them with guidelines on how to communicate with stakeholders, both externally and internally. Help them understand the key messages to convey and how to do so consistently. This ensures that the organization speaks with one voice and avoids any misinformation or confusion.

Additionally, consider providing communication training to your employees, equipping them with the necessary skills to handle challenging conversations or situations that may arise during a crisis. This empowers them to represent the organization effectively and confidently, further enhancing the organization’s crisis communication efforts.

Remember, transparent and empathetic communication fosters a sense of unity and reassurance among employees during a crisis. By guiding your employees through the challenges and uncertainties, you strengthen their resilience and contribute to an overall well-coordinated crisis response.

“Pause and Reflect”: Why Stopping Scheduled Posts is Crucial During Crises

In times of crisis, it is essential to pause and reflect on the impact of social media posts. Stopping scheduled posts is a crucial step to avoid appearing tone-deaf or insensitive during a crisis situation. By carefully curating and reviewing social media content, organizations can ensure that their communications align with the crisis at hand and uphold their reputation.

When a crisis emerges, the focus should be on addressing the issue at hand and providing relevant and timely updates. Continuing with scheduled posts can undermine the authenticity and credibility of the brand’s communication during a crisis. Therefore, it is important to pause and reflect on the appropriateness of the scheduled content in light of the crisis.

Stopping Scheduled Posts

Pausing scheduled posts allows organizations to reassess the content’s relevance in the context of the crisis and make necessary adjustments. It provides an opportunity to ensure that messages conveyed through social media channels are aligned with the current situation and convey the appropriate tone.

By taking the time to reflect on scheduled posts, companies can avoid appearing insensitive or out of touch with the reality of the crisis. They can demonstrate empathy and understanding towards their audience, which is crucial for maintaining trust and credibility.

Why stopping scheduled posts is crucial during crises
Allows for reflection and evaluation of the content’s appropriateness
Prevents appearing tone-deaf or insensitive during a crisis
Ensures social media communications align with the crisis situation
Maintains trust and credibility by demonstrating empathy

By pausing and reflecting on scheduled posts, organizations can effectively navigate the challenges posed by a crisis situation and take the necessary steps to protect their brand reputation. It is a strategic decision that allows companies to prioritize genuine engagement and demonstrate their commitment to the well-being of their stakeholders.

How to Use Social Media for Crisis Management?

In times of crisis, social media can be a powerful tool for effective crisis management. However, utilizing social media for crisis management requires careful planning and strategic communication. In this section, we will provide practical tips and strategies to help you make the most of social media during a crisis.

Responding to Social Media Users with Transparency and Empathy

One of the key principles of crisis communication through social media is transparency. It is important to respond to social media users with honesty and openness, providing them with accurate information and updates about the crisis. This helps to build trust and maintain credibility in the eyes of your audience.

Additionally, showing empathy in your responses is crucial. Acknowledge the concerns and emotions of social media users, and address them with compassion and understanding. This can help to defuse tense situations and foster a sense of connection with your audience.

Remember to always respond promptly to social media users during a crisis. Delayed or ignored responses can worsen the situation and lead to a loss of trust.

Choosing the Right Platforms for Your Crisis Communications

When it comes to crisis communications, it is important to choose the right social media platforms to effectively reach your target audience. Consider the demographics and preferences of your audience, and determine which platforms they are most active on. This will ensure that your crisis communications are being seen by the right people.

For example, if your target audience consists primarily of young adults, platforms like Instagram and Snapchat may be more effective. On the other hand, if your audience is predominantly professionals, platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter may be better suited for crisis communications.

It’s also important to consider the nature of the crisis when choosing platforms. Some crises may be better handled on platforms that allow for longer-form content and detailed explanations, such as Facebook or a company blog. Other crises may require a more immediate and visually impactful response, making platforms like Twitter or Instagram Stories more appropriate.

By choosing the right platforms for your crisis communications, you can ensure that your messages resonate with your audience and effectively address the situation at hand.

Post-Crisis Evaluation: Learning from Your Response

After successfully managing a crisis using social media, it is essential to conduct a post-crisis evaluation to learn from your organization’s response. This evaluation allows you to assess the effectiveness of your crisis management strategy, identify areas for improvement, and adjust policies and plans based on feedback and outcomes.

Assessing the Effectiveness of Your Crisis Management Strategy

One of the crucial steps in the post-crisis evaluation is evaluating the overall effectiveness of your crisis management strategy. Analyze how well your organization followed the established communication plan, how quickly and appropriately you responded to the crisis, and whether the actions taken aligned with the intended objectives.

Assess the impact of your crisis management strategy by examining key performance indicators such as social media reach, engagement, sentiment analysis, and brand reputation before, during, and after the crisis. This analysis will provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of your strategy and help you refine your approach for future crisis situations.

Adjusting Policies and Plans Based on Feedback and Outcomes

Feedback gathered during a crisis offers a wealth of information that can inform policy adjustments and the refinement of crisis management plans. Review the feedback from stakeholders, including customers, employees, and the media, to identify any gaps or areas for improvement in your crisis response.

Based on the feedback and the outcomes of the crisis, make necessary adjustments to your organization’s policies, procedures, and crisis communication plans. Consider incorporating lessons learned into training programs for employees involved in crisis management to enhance their skills and preparedness for handling future crises.

By conducting a thorough post-crisis evaluation and making necessary adjustments, you can continuously improve your crisis management strategies and strengthen your organization’s ability to handle future crises effectively. Remember, crisis management is an iterative process that relies on learning from past experiences to better prepare for the challenges that lie ahead.

Continue to monitor and evaluate your crisis management efforts to stay vigilant and adaptive in an ever-changing digital landscape.


In conclusion, social media can be a powerful tool for crisis management. Throughout this article, we have explored the various ways in which social media can be effectively utilized to communicate, engage, and resolve issues during times of crisis. By understanding the role of social media in crisis management and implementing proactive strategies, organizations can protect their brand reputation and regain the trust of stakeholders.

Key takeaways from this article include the importance of pre-crisis planning, such as securing brand accounts through strong password policies and two-factor authentication. Establishing a crisis management team and designing a comprehensive crisis communication plan are also crucial for effectively handling crises on social media. Proactive monitoring and early crisis detection, as well as deciphering the crisis and monitoring the reputation score, are essential for managing crises in real-time.

During a crisis, effective communication with employees is vital. Organizations should provide clear guidelines and keep employees informed to ensure a coordinated and unified response. It is also important to pause and reflect on social media posts, as continuing with scheduled content during a crisis can be perceived as insensitive. Responding to social media users with transparency and empathy, and choosing the right platforms for crisis communications, are key aspects of effective crisis management on social media.

Finally, conducting a post-crisis evaluation allows organizations to learn from their response and make adjustments to their policies and plans. By continually improving their crisis management strategy based on feedback and outcomes, organizations can enhance their future crisis management efforts. With the right approach, social media can serve as a valuable asset for managing crises and protecting brand reputation.


How can social media be effectively used for crisis management?

Social media can be effectively used for crisis management by leveraging it as a communication tool to quickly and transparently address crises, engage with stakeholders, and resolve issues. By monitoring social media platforms, organizations can detect potential crises in real-time and respond promptly to minimize the impact on their reputation.

What is the role of social media in crisis management?

Social media plays a crucial role in crisis management as it allows organizations to communicate directly with their audience during a crisis. It provides a platform to share timely updates, address concerns, and maintain transparency. Social media also facilitates the gathering of feedback and sentiment analysis, helping organizations understand public perception and respond accordingly.

How can organizations distinguish between negative feedback and real crises on social media?

It is important for organizations to distinguish between negative feedback and real crises on social media. Not all negative mentions are indicative of a crisis situation. To determine if a situation requires crisis management, factors such as the reach and impact of the mentions, the sentiment, and the potential to harm the organization’s reputation should be considered.

What steps should organizations take during pre-crisis planning for social media crisis management?

During pre-crisis planning, organizations should implement strong password policies and utilize two-factor authentication to secure brand accounts on social networks. It is also crucial to establish a crisis management team and design a comprehensive crisis communication plan. These measures ensure that the organization is prepared to effectively handle crises on social media.

How can proactive monitoring help in early crisis detection on social media?

Proactive monitoring involves monitoring brand mentions and conversations on social media platforms to identify potential crises in real-time. By consistently monitoring social media, organizations can detect warning signs and respond quickly to prevent crises from escalating. Proactive monitoring helps organizations stay ahead of the curve and effectively manage crises.

How can organizations decipher the crisis during a social media crisis situation?

To decipher the crisis during a social media crisis situation, organizations should focus on identifying the core issue and effectively monitoring the reputation score of their brand. Social media monitoring tools can provide real-time updates on the crisis and help analyze the rise of negative mentions and sentiment, providing valuable insights for crisis management.

Why is effective communication with employees important during a crisis?

Effective communication with employees during a crisis is important as they are often the first line of defense and can play a crucial role in managing the crisis. By providing clear guidelines and keeping employees informed about the crisis, organizations can ensure a coordinated response and maintain transparency with stakeholders.

Why is it crucial to pause and reflect on social media posts during a crisis?

It is crucial to pause and reflect on social media posts during a crisis to avoid appearing tone-deaf or insensitive. By stopping all scheduled posts, organizations can ensure that their communications align with the crisis situation and avoid any potential backlash. Carefully reviewing social media content during a crisis helps protect the organization’s reputation.

How can organizations effectively use social media for crisis management?

Organizations can effectively use social media for crisis management by responding to social media users with transparency and empathy. It is important to choose the right platforms for crisis communications based on the target audience and crisis situation. By utilizing social media in a strategic and thoughtful manner, organizations can effectively manage crises and rebuild trust.

Why is conducting a post-crisis evaluation important in crisis management?

Conducting a post-crisis evaluation is important in crisis management as it allows organizations to learn from their response and identify areas for improvement. By assessing the effectiveness of the crisis management strategy and adjusting policies and plans based on feedback and outcomes, organizations


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